
Why You Should Be Getting Involved With Web3?


Web3 is the upcoming internet that we are stirring toward. It’s described as ‘read, write and execute’, using decentralized blockchain-based platforms that provide control to users. This means that nobody can obtain access to personal user information, or remove users’ content.

Under web3, the internet is shared virtually and run by the collective ‘we’, rather than owned by centralized entities. And the move to blockchain technology will create it open, transparent, decentralized, and multi-user.

What is Web3?

In Web3, developers barely create and deploy apps that run on a single server or store their information in a single database, often hosted, and managed by a single cloud provider.

Web3 apps are made on blockchains, decentralized networks of various peer-to-peer nodes (servers), or a hybrid of the two, often called dApps or decentralized apps.

Developers are compensated and participate to offer the highest quality services to everyone utilizing the service to find a stable and secure decentralized network.

Furthermore, you will find that Cryptocurrency gets revealed when discussing Web3. This replication is declared because many of these protocols depend severely on Cryptocurrencies. Thus, anyone desiring to develop, manage, and contribute to or improve one of the projects has a financial incentive in the form of tokens.

People can earn by joining this protocol in many ways, both technical and non-technical. On the other hand, consumers for this service usually pay to use the protocol, much like they would pay a cloud provider. However, in Web3, money is dispersed straightly to network participants or developers.

Features of Web3

Web3 improves the internet by adding some innovative features. More precisely, Web3 is:


Apps get deployed with open-source software found by an open and accessible community of developers, and they are in full view of the community.


Participants can interact openly or privately on the network without needing a trusted third party.


Without the approval of a governing organization, anyone, including users and traders, can participate.

Semantic Web

The next evolution of the Web includes the Semantic Web. The semantic web improves web technologies in order to generate, share and link content through search and analysis built on the ability to identify the meaning of words, rather than on keywords or numbers.

Artificial Intelligence

Combining this ability with normal language processing, in Web 3.0, computers can identify information like humans in order to offer quick and more appropriate results. They become more intellectual to fulfill the requirements of users.

3D Graphics

The three-dimensional strategy is being used widely in websites and services in Web 3.0. Museum guides, PC games, ecommerce, geospatial settings, etc. are all instances that use 3D graphics.


With Web 3.0, information is more associated thanks to semantic metadata. As a result, the user experience advances to another level of accessibility that leverages all the existing information.


Content is available by multiple applications, each device is linked to the web, the services can be used everywhere.[Ma1] 

How does Web3 Work?

Web3 works differently nowadays than it did in previous versions of the platform. Most of the time, Web3 apps are linked to the wallet address interacting with the app.

Web2 requires users to identify things like emails and passwords, which you certainly lose, have to update, and need to hand over personal data.

In Web3, Wallet addresses are fully secured unless the user chooses to link their own identity to it publicly deliberately.

Web3 is a group of JS libraries that allows you to interact with an Ethereum node remotely or locally. Simply, it offers an API to use so we can easily effort with the blockchain.

Web3 works as a cover for JSON RPC to join with a remote or local Ethereum node with either an HTTP or IPC connection. Web3 is mainly working as a bridge between the Ethereum blockchain and your smart contract.

In addition, the Ethereum Foundation has a functioning RFP for creating a requirement for “Sign in with Ethereum” which might provide a more efficient and documented way to do this in the future.

The Uses of Web3

Current Web3 applications are partial in enterprises, but open applications are thriving. These contain decentralized finance (Defi), NFTs, play-to-earn games, and community-organized decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). For instance:

Defi protocols such as Aave and MakerDAO offer users lending and borrowing services managed by smart contracts, which remove intermediaries so as to allow great revenues and returns, albeit with much more risk. 

Play-to-earn games using NFTs offer a means for users to earn revenue. Such games have also made nonprofit organizations that leverage gaming profits to fund scholarships for needy users.

Content creators, such as artists, are trading their artwork using NFT smart contracts that they ensure and not mediators are paid based on contract terms that they fixed themselves whenever they wish to sell a piece of art.

Why should we be Involved in Web3?

The web has changed intensely over the past few years, and it is nearly unnatural from its early days. Learning Web3 is a major skill for developers that provides Web3’s drive toward a sincerely decentralized internet.

For the web and outside, decentralization has huge potential. The ecosystem may get occupied with developers who have original ideas for high-quality products.

Data ownership and perks are some of the most important consequences of decentralization and blockchain technology. It is safe to assume that as we move toward Web3 and the technology that backs it matures and becomes scalable, the web will yield to its original intent.


In conclusion, Web3 will create a more reasonable internet by letting individuals be sovereign. True sovereignty involves controlling one’s time data and being able to control who gets profits from it.

Web3’s decentralized blockchain protocol will let individuals, particularly developers, join an internet where they can own and compensate for their time and data, an overwhelming and unlawful web where giant, centralized sources get seized and for profit.